Learner's Corner

We usually think and talk of leadership competencies in the context of an organisation, as it is mostly organisations who have been driving leadership development programs for their employees. But these competencies are equally relevant in all our other roles – parent, child, teachers, spouse, friend, entrepreneur. These are universal competencies, and we at LECODE Games, like to think and talk of these as Success Competencies for achieving success in all you life pursuits. As these competencies impact all our aspects of life, it is time we take control of their development ourselves, and not be entirely dependent on our employers for their development.

We, at LECODE Games, have developed our own Success Competency Model (SCM), which provides a Learner an understanding of these competencies, how they interact and impact each other, and how they enable success achievement. SCM also provides a map to the Learner in her development journey. 

We aspire to become a one-stop shop for all life-long learners who are keen to assess and improve their Success Competencies. This we propose to achieve through our proprietary learning management platform, SAGES. In addition to our Serious Games, SAGES will host other relevant content like assessments, videos, articles, interviews, etc., which will all be integrated to provide every learner a customised learning plan for development of Success Competencies. We are very excited about this, and we hope that you will join us in this journey.

We expect to begin learners’ registration on SAGES by September 2021. 

Do drop in a mail to us at connect@lecodegames.com, so that we can inform you as soon as registrations open.

We wish you all the success in life.